Luke Skywalker's Lightsaber: A Reflection of His Jedi Journey
Luke Skywalker was born to the Jedi Knight, Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala. Being a Skywalker from his father's side, he was a Force-sensitive individual. But despite being Force-sensitive and the son of a Jedi Knight, his journey from a young Jedi to the Jedi Master had not been a smooth ride. In 19 BBY, his mother dies shortly after giving birth to Luke and her twin sister Leia. Then, he is separated from his twin sister and they both are oblivious to each other's existence. He is taken care of by his uncle, away from the Jedi Order and also protected from his father's dark side, Darth Vader.
In 14 ABY, Luke Skywalker finds out that they are siblings from Obi-Wan's Force ghost and reveals it to Leia on Endor. Throughout his emotional journey of being raised by his uncle to finding his sister on a different planet to earning the rank of Jedi Master, his lightsabers have always been his side. Whether it's his blue saber, the yellow one or the green blade, they have contributed to his journey of being a powerful Jedi in the galaxy.
In this blog, we are going to discuss the stories behind how he got or constructed all these lightsabers, how he used them in the battles and his exceptional lightsaber abilities. By the way, did you know that Luke Skywalker also used blasters in his Jedi journey. Well, we are going to talk about them in detail too. So without further ado, let's get into it!
Description of Luke’s First Lightsaber

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Luke wielded a total of three lightsabers during his time as a Jedi. Luke's first Lightsaber is the infamous Skywalker lightsaber which is known as Anakin's, Luke's and Rey's lightsaber at various times. It was a single blade blue lightsaber constructed by the Jedi Knight and father of Luke Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker. This lightsaber constructed by Anakin Skywalker himself is special because Anakin was also Chosen One of the Force.
Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber, like the other Jedi weapons, had a kyber crystal at its core, which powers all the lightsabers of the galaxy. This connection to Anakin also gave the blade its colour and high-energy plasma because it had a blue hue. The blade was held in place through a special energy field.
The hilt was 28 centimeters in length and cylindrical, made of metal and carbon composites. It consisted of a few pieces, such as a power cell at the bottom, an activation matrix, a rubber grip, a tuning ring, a stabilizing ring and emitter, and an option to adjust the blade length.
Luke's First Lightsaber - The Skywalker Lightsaber
This Skywalker lightsaber was built to replace Anakin's first lightsaber. Anakin Skywalker constructed his second lightsaber after losing his first and used it as a Jedi General during the Clone Wars. With this, he led the forces of the Republic into many battles against the Separatists. The lightsaber became a trusted weapon in his fights against powerful foes such as Count Dooku, Asajj Ventress, Savage Opress, and Barriss Offee, showcasing his unmatched skill as a Jedi.
However, everything changed once Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vader. This same tool that once was to be used for justice and good became a tool during Order 66 to murder the Jedi, including the younglings within the Jedi Temple. Not much later, Vader carried this lightsaber to Mustafar and followed the instructions of Emperor Palpatine to carry out the murders of the Separatist Council. What once stood as a hope became an instrument of destruction.
During the fierce duel with Obi-Wan Kenobi on Mustafar, Darth Vader lost the lightsaber. After defeating him, Obi-Wan Kenobi took the weapon and kept it for nearly two decades. Then, Obi Wan Kenobi had a chance to give Anakin's lightsaber to its legal heir Luke Skywalker when he rescued Luke from a Tusken Raiders attack. But, his uncle wouldn't allow it because he thought this weapon would lead Luke Skywalker astray and fall to the dark side like his father, Anakin Skywalker who was now Darth Vader. After the death of Luke Skywalker's uncle Owen and his wife, Obi-Wan handed over the sword to Anakin's son, Luke Skywalker, as he started his journey to become a Jedi.
Luke Skywalker became the apprentice of Obi-Wan Kenobi where he began to learn all about the Jedi. Through his journey to Alderaan, Skywalker began practicing with the weapon onboard in the Millennium Falcon where he used the Jedi form of Form I, to throw out a few blaster bolts which emanated from a training remote. While rescuing Princess Leia Organa from the Death Star battle station, Luke Skywalker had his father's lightsaber clipped onto his belt and used an E-11 medium blaster rifle for the rest of the escape.
Losing The Skywalker Lightsaber
Later, Luke was training under his new master Yoda on Dagobah. As a test, he entered a dark energy cave. There, he encounters a Force vision of Darth Vader and fights him. After he was successful in defeating Darth Vader, he sees himself under Darth Vader’s mask which symbolizes the darkness inside him. After some time, he sees a vision of his friends in a dangerous situation at Cloud City. This was a trap set by Darth Vader to call Luke Skywalker to Cloud City. Luke Skywalker comes to the place and engages in a fierce lightsaber duel with Darth Vader. Although Luke Skywalker fought with great skill, Darth Vader disclosed that he was his father which engulfed Luke Skywalker in an emotional turmoil. Darth Vader defeated Luke Skywalker, cut off his hand and his lightsaber fell into the depths of Cloud City.
When Luke returned to Cloud City after recovering from his loss of hand and with a new robotic hand, he asked the Ugnaught workers to search for his lightsaber. In this search, Luke Skywalker saw a Force vision which teaches him that a Jedi is more than just his weapon and gives on the lightsaber search. Nevertheless, they couldn't find it.
Luke Finding His Second Lightsaber
In the High Republic Era, the Jedi Order had established an Outpost on Tempes. Later, this outpost was abandoned but several Jedi artifacts, a temple guard armour and a damaged lightsaber spike were left behind. In 3 ABY, after the Battle of Hoth, Luke Skywalker who was a Commander in the Alliance to Restore the Republic lost one of his hands and his only lightsaber to his father, Darth Vader, formerly Anakin Skywalker. After receiving guidance from a partially trained Padawan named Verla, Luke Skywalker set off to the abandoned Outpost to find his new lightsaber.
As soon as Luke Skywalker noticed the lightsaber, he claimed it on his own. But little did he know that his dark father, Darth Vader had the spirit of the Grand Inquisitor bound to the ruins for eternity as a trap for the unsuspecting intruders. Initially, the Grand Inquisitor was overpowering in the duel but the young Luke Skywalker was able to defeat him and severed his hand and struck him across his chest. After this duel with the Grand Inquisitor's spirit, Luke Skywalker returned back to the Rebel Alliance and showed his new lightsaber to his comrades.
Luke Skywalker's Second Lightsaber in Battles

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When Luke Skywalker was on a mission on Bar’leth, he took part in an attack on the Imperial Unity Day parade. When the Rebels launched their counterattack against the Galactic Empire, Luke led his comrades to victory, igniting his yellow-bladed lightsaber which was hope for many.
Luke Skywalkeralso battled along with his friends in a battle for Elessia, during which he defended her twin sister, Leia Organa after her ship was stormed. Using his lightsaber, he hacked through stormtroopers and had a short exchange with Imperial Commander Zahra, who escaped. Luke Skywalker later employed his yellow lightsaber to train against Marksman-H training remotes on a Rebel ship.
During another mission on Nar Shaddaa, Luke, Chewbacca, and the droids were investigating a report of Boba Fett. When confronted by a group of thugs, Luke Skywalker used his yellow lightsaber to deflect blaster fire to ensure the group's escape. The weapon was important in these missions but its use made Luke Skywalker an easy target for Imperial forces.
The lightsaber was eventually damaged in a fight with Killdroids. The blade became unstable, cutting out at critical moments, and Luke's right arm was also injured. While studying sacred Jedi texts, he learned the kyber crystal inside the blade had cracked. When Luke was unable to repair the weapon completely, he eventually set out to build a new lightsaber.
Luke Skywalker’s Third Lightsaber
In 4 ABY, Luke Skywalker built a green-bladed lightsaber during Operation Yellow Moon. This would become his primary weapon throughout his adventures. He remembered his earlier times when he told Ben Solo and Lor San Tekka of how he nearly got into a bad situation when looking for a lightsaber on Tempes.
Luke Skywalker built his green-bladed lightsaber as a replacement for the one he lost during his battle with Darth Vader on Bespin. This new one came with a kyber crystal and a plasma blade. It was inspired by the third lightsaber of Obi-Wan Kenobi, but Luke Skywalker made the design less complicated to suit his own needs. This depicted his growing mastery as a Jedi.
During the Battle of Endor, he used the lightsaber to the Imperial forces' dismay. In one fight, blaster fire from a scout riding a 74-Z speeder bike was deflected with the lightsaber, as he approached Luke with it; he sliced the stabilizer off the bike to force it to spin into the tree, destroying the bike and killing the scout trooper.
Later that night, Luke Skywalker freely submitted to the Imperial garrison at Endor, and Commander Altadan Igar took away his lightsaber. It was handed over to Darth Vader, who inspected it. Impressed by its construction , Vader told him that Luke's assembling the lightsaber meant the completion of his Jedi training. Darth Vader handed Luke's lightsaber over to Emperor Palpatine in the second Death Star.
In the Emperor’s Throne Room, Emperor Palpatine studied the lightsaber, calling it a true Jedi’s weapon, much like the one Luke Skywalker had crafted it to replace. Placing it beside him, the Emperor used the weapon to tempt Luke Skywalker to strike him down in anger, urging him to embrace the dark side as his father had.
As the Rebel Alliance and the Imperial Navy were at each other's throats outside, Luke Skywalker did resist the Emperor's manipulation initially. In anger, however, he picked up his lightsaber and launched himself at Palpatine. Darth Vader blocked the strike, which ignited an intense duel between father and son. Luke Skywalker was finally able to overpower Vader and disarm him, but in the heat of the moment, he realized he was about to fall into the dark side. Disavowing this path, Luke Skywalker threw his lightsaber aside, declaring himself a Jedi, loyal to the light.
After Darth Vader had turned against the Emperor Palpatine and died to save Luke Skywalker, the young Jedi recovered his lightsaber and escaped the Death Star just in time for its destruction. The weapon symbolized Luke's journey, reflecting his growth as a Jedi and his commitment to fighting against the dark side.
Misunderstanding Caused by Luke’s Green Blade
After the Galactic Civil War, Luke Skywalker retained his green lightsaber as he attempted to reform the Jedi Order. One night, he felt that darkness was building inside of his nephew and apprentice, Ben Solo. Instinctively, Luke turned on his lightsaber, but he immediately turned it off, realizing he didn't want to harm Ben. Ben Solo, however, saw the igniter green blade and believed Luke Skywalker was attempting to murder him. Ben felt betrayed and attacked Luke with his own lightsaber later.
This, coupled with other dark influences, led Ben Solo to the complete fall into the dark side, destroying the Jedi temple and killing many of Luke Skywalker’s students, while taking the rest with him. In a state of grief, Luke Skywalker blamed himself for it and went into exile in Ahch-To, with his lightsaber. Later, after Luke's death, the Caretakers of Ahch-To retained his lightsaber as an artifact of the Jedi past.
Luke's Blaster Collection
Luke Skywalker also carried blasters. In his teenage years on Tatooine, he used a 6-2Aug2 hunting rifle when he ventured out to find R2 but was attacked afterwards in the Jundland Wastes by the Tusken Raider A'Koba. He even used an E-11 medium blaster rifle to save Leia Organa from the Death Star. During the Ceremony that took place soon after the Battle of Yavin, Luke Skywalker wielded a Defender using a blaster pistol. He later had a heavy blaster pistol which resembled a DL-44.
Luke Skywalker’s Exceptional Lightsaber Skills

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Luke Skywalker's lightsaber abilities have greatly improved from his days as a newbie to becoming one of the most skillful duelists in the history of the Jedi. He started with Obi-Wan Kenobi on the Millennium Falcon, learning basic postures and defensive techniques. Yet, he did not quite do well in his first duels, such as the brief fight with Darth Vader on Cymoon 1. However, Luke's persistence led him to train more and his skills gradually progressed.
Under master Yoda's guidance, Luke Skywalker became better at wielding the lightsaber and the Force. He tried out different techniques such as Jar'Kai during his journey to Rodia, fighting a ghest with two lightsabers. From instinctual beginnings, his combat style became more developed with time. With Grakkus the Hutt's servant, the "Gamemaster," Luke Skywalker learned how to adapt himself in fights against different kinds of opponents.
Luke Skywalker's exceptional combat skills were well portrayed in significant battles. In rescuing Han Solo, he proved to be extremely accurate and concentrated. He easily disposed of Jabba's guards on the sail barge. On the second Death Star, Luke Skywalker again battled Darth Vader. Initially unwilling to fight his father, he unleashed all his abilities when Darth Vader threatened Leia. He overpowered the Sith Lord in an intense battle.
Later in his life, Luke Skywalker skills just got even better. During the rescue of Grogu, he broke through a platoon of Dark Troopers with easy nonchalant precision and mastery. In training Ben Solo, he showed skill without parallel when he bested the Knights of Ren without effort, disarming them without so much as touching them. Luke Skywalker even bested Exim Panshard, an ancient Sith Lord, restraining his power to not hurt the Sith's host. Even in non-lethal confrontations, like his encounter with Rey, Luke displayed complete control, disarming her with minimal effort.
Who gave Luke Skywalker his first lightsaber?
Luke's first lightsaber was originally made by his father, Anakin Skywalker. After Anakin Skywalker fell to the dark side and became Darth Vader, Luke discovered the lightsaber during his training under his master Obi-Wan Kenobi much later in his life.
How did Luke lose his first lightsaber?
In a fierce duel with Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker loses his lightsaber and his hand too. Darth Vader revealed to Luke Skywalker that he is in fact his father. This caught Luke Skywalker off guard and unable to keep an emotional control, he loses the fight and his lightsaber.
What is the Skywalker lightsaber?
The Skywalker lightsaber is referred to as the blue lightsaber created by Anakin Skywalker. After Anakin's fall to the dark side, this weapon is kept safe by Obi-Wan Kenobi for almost two decades. He then passes it down to his son, Luke Skywalker. Luke Skywalker loses it in a duel with his father and now a dark for, Darth Vader. Rey Skywalker, apprentice of Luke Skywalker later finds it and claims it as her own. This is how a lightsaber is carried through the Skywalker clan, from the light side to the dark side. This is why this blue lightsaber earned its well-deserved title!
Did Luke Skywalker carry blasters?
Yes, Luke Skywalker did carry blasters. But he relied mainly on his lightsabers during duels and battles. One most important instance where he used his E-11 medium blaster rifle to save Leia Organa from the Death Star.
Did Luke Skywalker carry a white lightsaber?
No, Luke Skywalker never carried a white lightsaber. Although he mainly did use a total of 3 lightsabers during his journey as a Jedi. While white represents a Jedi who remains independent of the Jedi Order while following the light side of the Force. Luke Skywalker was very much a part of the Jedi Order and wielded typical Jedi lightsaber colors, mainly blue, green and yellow.