Who is Anakin Skywalker? The Chosen One Who Became Darth Vader
Among the greatest Star Wars characters, Anakin Skywalker is one of the galaxy's most crucial and powerful personalities.
He was one of the strongest force individuals with many abilities up his sleeves. His legacy and lifespan are a captivating story of how even the most loyal beings of the light can easily fall to the lure of the dark side.
Anakin Skywalker’s story revolves around an ancient prophecy highlighting the emergence of ‘the Chosen One.’ The prophecy preserved in a hologram explained that the force-sensitive being would balance the force.
Both the Jedi and Sith have different interpretations of the Chosen One. Their understanding of the force and differences in opinion give us insight into their versions of the forthcoming character.
Surprisingly, Anakin ticked most of the boxes based on predictions and chose an unexpected path. Once deemed to rival the greatest Jedi Masters, he fell to the dark side, much to the anguish of the light side.
Let’s dive into the story of Anakin Skywalker and how he became one of the most fearsome Sith Lords.
Who is Anakin Skywalker?

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Anakin Skywalker was born to Shmi Skywalker Lars about four decades before the battle of Yavin. As previously predicted by the prophecy, he was a fatherless child, leaving Shmi confused about the possibilities.
Anakin’s early lifespan was spent in slavery with his mother, where he met the renowned Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn. Master Jinn kept a close eye on the young male, leading to the discovery of his admirable Force sensitivity. He later confirmed his suspicions regarding the extent of Anakin’s force strength through a blood test.
The results were extraordinary. They revealed a record number of midi-chlorians in the body cells, surpassing some of the great masters of the Jedi Order. Being an avid follower of prophecies, Jinn was immediately convinced that Anakin was the destined individual.
He brought Anakin to the Jedi Temple in Coruscant, vowing to train him to live up to the expectations. However, to Master Jinn’s disappointment, the High Council wasn’t convinced of the new trainee’s character. They thoroughly assessed his potential and learnt about his fears and aspirations. Upon discovering his fear of losing his mother, they decided to wait for Anakin to mature.
However, Master Jinn was adamant in training Anakin to become a Jedi. Unfortunately, he died after coming against Darth Maul. Therefore, Jinn’s padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi, took the responsibility of training the young male per the wishes of his master. Kenobi eventually gained the Order’s approval and started training Anakin.
In the beginning, Anakin didn't make as much progress as his fellow trainees. He was more or less an outsider. Master Kenobi exercised patience with the trainee but was sceptical about his attitude and tried his best to keep him on the right path.
Anakin was aware of his master’s doubts and did not take them lightly. He was somehow influenced by Darth Sidious, disguised as Chancellor Palpatine. Therefore, despite showing considerable improvement, he became arrogant, believing himself superior to all Jedi.
His Force abilities ensured that he rose through the ranks. Although he did not fully embrace the Jedi traditions, his development did not stop. Anakin became a Jedi Knight and a general in the Grand Army of the Republic. He preferred taking out his frustrations on the battlefield. He believed in a path slightly different from Jedi traditions.
His decision-making on the battlefield was a worrying sign for his peers as he was overcome by a thirst for power. Palpatine’s influence had affected Anakin deeply. He truly believed himself to be the sole saviour of the galaxy.
Master Yoda wasn’t convinced of Anakin’s loyalty through his actions. Therefore, he assigned the Jedi knight to take Ahsoka Tano as a padawan. Yoda thought that teaching Jedi arts to the new prospect could remind Anakin of the Jedi ways, helping him earn the title of the Chosen One.
The Events of Mortis
While Anakin Skywalker showed early signs of repenting Jedi ideologies, his confrontations with the Ones eventually led to his fall to the dark side. The gods, especially the Father, wanted to evaluate Anakin’s power firsthand. He warned the Jedi Knight of the consequences if he didn’t change his approach.
The Father told him about his fate as the Chosen One but was shocked to see his response. Anakin completely disregarded the title. However, the Father disagreed since he saw the individual using his powers to submit the Son and Daughter.
The Son desired for Anakin to join the Sith Lords and wanted to set him free due to his own complicated situation with the Father. He showed him the future where the powerful Force-sensitive being would become the dark lord of the Sith, confusing Anakin.
Meanwhile, the Father wanted to replace him with Anakin for his position on Mortis. He foiled the Son’s plan and erased the Jedi’s memories. The conflict within the Gods saw to their ends, giving Anakin and Tano the chance to escape.
The Fall of the Chosen One
Several reasons led to Anakin Skywalker’s descent from the light to the dark side of the force. However, the most significant reason was Palpatine, who used the Force to gain access to Anakin. His influence was overbearing but convincing, which ended up as friendship between the two.
The tipping point came when Anakin became a part of the Jedi High Council at the request of the Chancellor. At this point, only Master Kenobi supported his student’s fate as the Chosen One. Master Yoda, Mace Windu, and other Jedi leaders oversaw the downfall and were proven right.
Palpatine revealed his true identity as Darth Sidious to Anakin, resulting in the Jedi turning into a Sith Lord named Darth Vader.
The Great Jedi Purge

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After joining the Galactic forces, Vader didn’t waste much time as he attacked the Jedi Temple. The attack was successful as the Jedi fell and many were killed, resulting in a purge.
Darth Vader was ruthless and showed no remorse while taking out his former colleagues who felt betrayed. He was confronted by his previous master, Kenobi, who defeated him in a lightsaber duel. During the duel, Master Kenobi ensured that the former Jedi knew about the consequences of his choices.
However, he became a valuable asset for Sidious and the dark side, fighting loyally to make the Jedi extinct. There were numerous instances where Vader was challenged on his previous claims of being called the Chosen One. Darth Momin and even Sidious mocked him once he failed to live up to the Emperor's expectations.
On the other side, Master Kenobi placed his faith in Vader’s son, Luke Skywalker. He reflected on his previous choice of the Chosen One. Hence, he started training Luke Skywalker to his best. Despite his death, Master Kenobi continued guiding the young Skywalker, fully committed to fulfilling the prophecy.
The Fall of Darth Vader
While the Sith seized the Republic, the Jedi fought valiantly to end the dark rule. Their first successful retaliation was destroying the Death Star Station, a stronghold for the Sith. The attack was a blow to the Dark Side as Darth Sidious fully blamed Vader.
It's worth noting that Luke was unaware of his parentage being linked to Darth Vader during the conflict. He learnt of the Sith Lord being his father against whom he fought relentlessly. However, after gaining the knowledge, he hesitated to go against him, much to the disappointment of his masters.
The Chosen One Reborn
The masters warned him of the implications of trying to redeem his father. They were proven correct as the Emperor lured Luke into the dark side.
He started detesting the light side, fuelling his rage and hatred. In a confrontation with his father, Luke successfully defeated Vader in a gruelling lightsaber duel. The Emperor saw Luke’s superiority and planned to replace his father. He ordered Luke to take down Vader, but he surprisingly refused.
Sidious was not used to taking lightly refusals, so he started torturing Luke, who begged for Vader’s help. Having some light in his soul, Vader redeemed himself and gave his life to save his son. He died as Anakin Skywalker, fulfilling the prophecy and predictions of Master Jinn and Master Kenobi.
Anakin Skywalker’s Powers
Anakin Skywalker was a talented Force user and well ahead of his peers. He was a skilled duellist, rivalling even the greatest Jedi Knights in the Order.
He was proficient in Form IV and Form V fighting forms, which he developed while training as a Jedi. One of the reasons for his expertise in duelling was his experience against some of the greatest warriors, such as Asajj Ventress and Count Dooku.
Initially, Anakin was more inclined towards duelling than focusing on Force abilities. He was already accustomed to most powers, and the Jedi training helped him polish his skills. He mastered telekinesis very early. His special talents included Force Sense, Beast Control, Mind Trick, Force Barrier, etc.
Anakin Skywalker’s Legacy

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Anakin Skywalker’s legacy consists of two phases. The first phase signifies his journey from slavery to getting a seat in the Jedi High Council. The next part highlights his transformation into Darth Vader and a redeeming death.
Anakin had a tough life while growing up as he originated from the land of slavery. After Master Jinn’s appearance, he finally found a path that he could follow. His Force abilities were already over the top, thanks to his Skywalker line.
While he struggled to accept certain Jedi ideologies, he was still a talented Jedi male. His title of the Chosen One made him arrogant and entitled. He felt a sense of superiority over other Jedi beings. The Grand Master Yoda, Master Jinn, and Master Kenobi were all essential in his training, but they knew of his disturbing approach. Therefore, his change of allegiances was not surprising.
Once a beacon of light for the light side, Anakin Skywalker was easily dissuaded from the Jedi path. A smart scheme set up by Darth Sidious lured the individual to the dark side.
When Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vader, the Sith rejoiced as they oversaw their personalised fulfilment of the prophecy. The Sith believed that Anakin would lead the way for the Galactic forces. Although Darth Vader was a menace for the dark side, leading the Jedi purge, he still redeemed himself. When seeing his son Luke helpless, he gave his life to save his kin. The Jedi acknowledged the sacrifice, affirming that he fulfilled his duty of balancing the force.
Final Thoughts
Anakin Skywalker’s story is full of adventures, struggles, and conflicts. His interesting character and redeeming qualities make him a standout character. He was already born as the Chosen One and fulfilled his destiny after a long and difficult journey.