Episode 8: Pirates Invade as the Barrier Falls
Spoiler Alert: This article contains a detailed overview of the 8th episode of Skeleton Crew. So, turn around if you haven’t watched it yet.
Previously on Epi 1: "This Could Be a Real Adventure," Epi 2: "Way, Way Out Past the Barrier,” Epi 3: "Very Interesting, as an Astrogation Problem,” Epi 4: "Can't Say I Remember No At Attin,” Epi 5: “You Have a Lot to Learn About Pirates,” Epi 6: “Zero Friends Again," and Epi 7: “We're Gonna Be In So Much Trouble.”
The Real Good Guys
Episode 8 of Skeleton Crew picks up from where “We're Gonna Be In So Much Trouble” ended. Jod, with his blue lightsaber ignited, meets the kids' parents. Fara mistakes Jod to be the one who saved the kids and thanks. Jod, ever the charmer, makes them believe the kids are in big trouble as they stole a ship and almost led the galaxy to discover At Attin. He orders the Security droids to confine the kids to their homes, watch them at all times and report everything they do back to me. Wendle tries to argue if this is necessary but stops. Fern argues but is stopped mid-sentence by Jod, who insists that she come with him to meet the Supervisor. Fara agrees to this.
At home, Wendle and Wim have dinner and are being watched like a hawk by a Security Droid. Wendle asks Wim about retaking the assessment, and this leads to an argument between them. Frustrated, Wim almost tells his father about Jod but stops. However, he does warn his father about the realities of the galaxy and the pirate ship outside of the Barrier. Wendle ignores these warnings and says that the Supervisor will fix everything.
Later at night, Wim tries to contact Neel through a walkie-talkie but is interrupted when a security droid walks in and catches him. But Wim successfully distracts him.
At the Supervisor’s Tower, Jod arrives on the top floor with Fara and Fern. The Supervisor, who is revealed to be a massive, ancient droid, questions Jod as he delivers the lies he has practised previously. When Jod claims to be a Jedi, the Supervisor points out that the last Republic message it received during Order 66 declared Jedi as traitors to the galaxy. Seeing this as an opportunity, Fern shouts that he is a pirate. Hearing this, the Security Droids immediately turn on Jod, but he swiftly destroys them and stabs the Supervisor’s central eye. This kills the Supervisor which shuts down all power across At Attin. Security Droids all around the city fall lifeless to the ground.
Jod locates the Barrier override lever and forces Fara to cooperate with him as he threatens Fern with his lightsaber. Fara in order to have her daughter, reluctantly lowers the Barrier enough so that Jod can call his pirate gang to land on At Attin and begin the pirate invasion.
Pirates’ ship Frigate lands on At Attin and causes widespread chaos. Neel and KB arrive at Wim’s home on hoverbikes to rescue him so they can all go outside the Barrier on the ship and contact Kh’ymm for help. Wendle follows the kids on a hoverbike and is determined to protect his son.
The kids race through the woods, where they find the ship for the first time, dodging blaster fire from pursuing pirates. After reaching the Onyx Cinder, they cannot take off, only to realize the ship is locked in place by active docking clamps. Neel stays behind to provide cover while Wendle and Wim speed back to the Supervisor’s Tower to restore power so that the docking clamps can be deactivated. Wendle assures Wim that he can do it by saying, “You’re talking to a level-seven Systems Coordinator, son.”
Back at the tower, Fern urges Fara to fight back. Fara creates a distraction, which allows Fern to grab a rifle from a Security Droid that has been standing in its place lifeless. However, Jod catches what both mother and daughter are trying to do and fires at them, proclaiming himself as the new ruler of At Attin over the PA system.
Wim reaches on top of the tower and confronts Jod. He bluffs by saying that he has already called the New Republic, and they are on their way. Jod, not believing this lie, laughs and points out that the Barrier blocks all communication. While Jod is distracted, Wendle sneaks into the control room and restores power. The docking clamps are released and this allows KB to launch the Onyx Cinder.
As KB pilots the ship out of the Barrier with the help of a partially repaired SM-33, she manages to contact Kh’ymm and transmit At Attin’s coordinates. However, pirate ships ambush her and the Onyx Cinder is hit, which causes it to crash into the schoolyard in a plume of smoke. Fern, watching from the tower, screams in horror, believing KB is dead.
In the tower, Jod corners Wim while holding Wendle at the lightsaber point. He forces Wim to step away from the Barrier override lever as he tries to pull it. At this moment, Jod reveals his dark past: as a child, a Jedi saved him from poverty, but she was killed during Order 66, and he was forced to watch as she died.
Jod’s arrogance gets the better of him as he begins to go into a monologue about ruling At Attin. Wendle takes this moment to his advantage and punches Jod mid-sentence. This leads to a fight breaking out. Fern and Wim wrestle for Jod’s lightsaber while Jod uses the Force to throw Wendle to the ground. While all of this is happening, Fern begs her mother for help.
Fara finally trusting her daughter, pulls the override lever. The Barrier collapses completely, beacon by beacon, revealing the stars and the galaxy beyond. Moments later, the New Republic X-Wings appear and start to take out the pirate fleet. Gunter’s flagship falls in flames, and Jod watches his plans crumble.
Fern and Wim race to the Onyx Cinder and are greeted by Neel there. The ship’s hatch opens, and KB stumbles out, alive, alongside SM-33 and Snowball. Seeing this, Fern gets relieved and hugs her best friend.
As the New Republic secures At Attin, Wim gazes up at the now-visible stars with a smile.