Exploring Yoda's Lightsaber: The Iconic Weapon of the Jedi Grand Master
Yoda was the Grand Master of the Jedi during the final days of the Republic, the Clone Wars and the Jedi Purge after which he exiled into the Dagobah planet. Although he was small in size and his species and homeland was not known, this never stopped him from mastering over the Force.
Using his exceptional Force abilities and lightsaber combat, he trained an estimate of 20,000 Jedi during the span of eight centuries. This makes him probably the most influential Jedi in the history of the galaxy. His wisdom and calmness is what makes him the legendary Yoda.
Yoda's values of wisdom are also reflected in his lightsaber and the way he wields it with the Force. He believed that the Force is a friend of a true Jedi and a lightsaber is just a mere tool. Therefore, a Jedi must use the Force to gain knowledge and for defense purposes and never for attack.
In this blog, we will discuss all about Yoda's lightsaber. From the unique customization and lightsaber design, the history of Yoda's lightsaber, his lightsaber form Ataru to his few but legendary duels with the enemies of the Jedi, we are gonna bare it all. So without further ado, let's get into it!
Construction of Yoda’s Lightsaber

Image Source: starwars.com
Just like every other Jedi made their lightsabers hundred years ago, Yoda also built his lightsaber as a Jedi youngling under Professor Huyang. This ritual was called the Gathering. In this ritual, the Jedi Padawans were forced to trust their instincts, face their fears and go into the Crystal Cave of Ilum. All of this to find a kyber crystal that was attuned to their connection with the Force. The first step was to acquire the kyber crystal from the icy planet of Ilum. This was a successful mission for Yoda.
Design and Features of Yoda’s Lightsaber
Yoda wielded a shoto lightsaber. It had a shorter hilt and a shorter blade length matching his shorter body. Its 15 cm-long hilt consisted of chrome metal, along with black trim on its outer face. Inside of the lightsaber hosted the green kyber crystal which was a source to energize its green plasma blade. Yoda was thus capable of a series of nimble and accurate acrobatic moves during fighting. Because, he used his relatively short lightsaber for accuracy instead of reach.
The green blade of Yoda's lightsaber represented his Jedi philosophy, which focused on defense, wisdom, and peace. Yoda was shorter in size which made it easier for him to execute quick spins, flips, and other agile maneuvers while fighting. In addition to this, mastery of the Force complemented the use of his lightsaber to fight effectively, despite his small size.
Yoda's Exceptional Lightsaber Skills
Yoda was smaller in size and old but despite that, he was an exceptional lightsaber duelist. He used his strong connection with the Force to use Form IV Ataru. He boosted his body with the Force which made him able to do the necessary movements. He had achieved mastery in the Ataru lightsaber form and he could duel the formidable Darth Sidius and give him an even fight.
Apart from mastering Ataru, Yoda also mastered the Niman style of lightsaber combat. Niman involves elements of other different forms. This made Yoda a versatile duelist who was able to tackle different types of opponents. Yoda was also famously skilled in deflecting blaster bolts and was able to take on numerous enemies at once and even win against them easily.
Perhaps, his best display of lightsaber combat is against Count Dooku, his former apprentice and Darth Sidious, disguised as Emperor Palpatine. He held the edge in the fight against Dooku by pushing him onto the back foot, which would have given him the victory if he had not chosen to run away. Although well-balanced initially, he slowly went ahead of Darth Sidious to take the upper hand, forcing Darth Sidious to then use the Force to tackle him.
Yoda’s Duel with Count Dooku

Image Source: Yotube.com
During the First Battle of Geonosis at Dooku's hanger, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker both were dueling with Count Dooku, who later became Darth Tyranus after being mentored by Darth Sidious. The formidable Dooku used his lightsaber and Force lightning to injure Obi-Wan and his apprentice, Anakin Skywalker.
At this time, Yoda shows up in Dooku's hanger and confronts his former Padawan Dooku. A lightsaber duel takes place between Yoda and Dooku. Initially, Yoda is running in circles around his former Padawan. Then, Dooku launches a Force lightning towards Yoda but he easily dodges it. Dooku realised that he was outperformed by his former Master Yoda and turns to the wounded Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. Dooku then throws a power turbine at both of them but Yoda using the Force, easily levitates the turbine away from them safely. This gives Dooku an opportunity to escape and he does so, in his solar sailer.
Yoda’s Confrontation with Darth Sidious
After finding out the truth from the security holofootage of the Temple, Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi were flabbergasted to find that Anakin Skywalker was the one who led the assault on the Jedi Temple. That's because he was Obi-Wan Kenobi's former Padawan. With the balance of the galaxy at stake, they had no option but to destroy the two Sith Lords. Although Kenobi had wanted to engage Sidious one-on-one as he couldn't face his former apprentice and friend Anakin Skywalker, who had embraced the dark side. But, Yoda aptly reminded Obi-Wan Kenobi that Darth Sidious was way too strong for him to duel. So, as a result, Obi-Wan Kenobi left to tackle his former apprentice Anakin Skywalker while Yoda headed towards the Senate building with the plan to end this newly declared Emperor's rule, once and for all.
Yoda entered the Emperor's office located in the Senate Building and knocked out Sidious' two royal guards by Force-pushing them. Darth Sidious countered by using some Force lightning. He was able to knock Yoda into a wall which lefy him stunned for a few moments.
As the tensions rose and a fierce duel was about to occur, Vice Chair Mas Amedda left the room. Darth Sidious taunted Yoda about the extinction of the Jedi. Using the Force push, Yoda managed to push him across the room. Both duelists then ignited their lightsabers and began the duel.
The battle then moved into the Senate Chamber. Yoda was mainly dodging and weaving around Darth Sidious. He was using his agility and the Force to keep himself out of Darth Sidious's reach. Yoda disarmed Darth Sidious but was quickly overwhelmed as Sidious hurled Senate pods at him through the Force. Yoda fought to avoid them but was hit by the pods and fell.
When Yoda realized that his strategy was failing, he turned off his lightsaber and launched a pod at Darth Sidious. Sidious jumped to another pod, and Yoda tried to re-engage him, but Sidious used Force lightning to disarm and overwhelm Yoda. Yoda had to absorb the lightning, using his tutaminis defense.
Though he strained, Yoda was able to redirect the lightning back at Darth Sidious, who was pushed back. But, their combined powers caused an energy explosion that blasted both of them apart. Darth Sidious managed to hold on to the pod's guardrail, while Yoda was thrown off and fell to the Chancellor's podium.
Yoda pulled himself up, though this time lost his hold and tumbled to the Senate floor. Yoda realized that the clone troopers coming as reinforcements for Darth Sidious, he felt it was best to withdraw from the situation. Darth Sidious stayed where he was, on his perch, laughing with victory. But, technically speaking, neither had won the fight as they were equally matched.
Fate of Yoda's Lightsaber
In his last duel with Darth Sidious, in the Senate Building, Yoda lost his lightsaber because Sidious struck him with Force lightning. The intensity was such that it forced Yoda to absorb it with his bare hands. This forced him to drop his shoto green saber and it fell on the Senate floor.
After the formation of the Galactic Empire, Grand Vizier Mas Amedda hosted a public demonstration. In this demonstration, he announced the complete destruction of the Jedi Order. He displayed a group of lightsabers. This was to showcase the fall of the Jedi by exhibiting the Jedi lightsabers. Amongst them was Yoda's too. These sabers were then burnt and the kyber crystals inside exploded. This sent an electrical shock throughout the galaxy and represented the victory of the Empire over the Jedi.
Though Yoda did not opt to use another lightsaber again after this, he kept one in his hut in a box on Dagobah. After he died in 4 ABY, the lightsaber was found by Luke Skywalker. Luke Skywalker was Yoda's last Jedi apprentice and Yoda's legacy continued with his last apprentice.
What made Yoda's lightsaber different from other Jedi lightsabers?
Yoda's lightsaber was shorter in size when compared to other Jedi lightsabers. It was relatively shorter in blade and hilt, making it a shoto saber. But, it perfectly complemented Yoda's small size and his agility. This allowed him to make quick movements, especially during the Ataru lightsaber form.
What did Yoda do with his lightsaber after the fall of the Jedi Order?
After the fall of the Jedi Order, Yoda no longer cared to carry a lightsaber. He maintained another one within a box inside his hut in Dagobah. This was eventually found by his final apprentice, Luke Skywalker after Yoda's death.
How did Yoda's lightsaber relate to the events that followed after the Clone Wars?
Yoda's lightsaber was a representation of the fall of the Jedi Order. Eventually, it was taken by the Empire and put up in a public view as a way to show the public that the Jedi Order were destroyed.